The Project


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The 2 layers of the main objective of the project (Ob1) are: (1) Prevention of natural disasters in the cross border area and (2) Regeneration of the cross border ecosystem after forest fires for flood prevention.

Each layer is supported with the following outputs:

  • 1.1 Analysis and assessments of risks for fires & floods with new technologies in the cross border area -Thessaloniki, Pella & JASEN (Ob2, Ob3, Ob4, Ob7)
  • 1.2 Development/operation of a GIS platform (Ob2, Ob3, Ob4);
  • 1.3 Identification of specific measures for prevention of wildfires and floods in the cross border area -Thessaloniki, Pella & JASEN (Ob2, Ob3, Ob4, Ob7);
  • 1.4 Guidelines Book for the Greek state/local authorities on the development of the Civil Protection Plans based on new technologies (Ob3)
  • 1.5 Equipment for the immediate development of nature-based protection measures in the territory of JASEN (Ob2)
  • 1.6 Events for 40 representatives of civil protection authorities & 20 potential volunteers (Ob2, Ob6, Ob7).
  • 2.1 Assessment of plants for the immediate regeneration of the cross border ecosystem after forest fires (Ob2, Ob5, Ob7).
  • 2.2 Development of a post-fire protocol for the forest rehabilitation and floods’ mitigation in the cross border area (Ob2, Ob3, Ob7)
  • 2.3 Organization of info days for 40 students (Ob6, Ob7).

The proposed outputs respond to the objectives of the project and refer to all target groups safeguarding the project’s impact in the cross border area.

Additionally, they also safeguard the achievement of the output indicators (min. 200.000 people benefiting from flood protection measures, min. 270.00 people benefiting from forest fire protection measures and min. 100 people participating in prevention actions).

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This webpage has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of the webpage are the sole responsibility of the project's beneficiaries and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries and the Managing Authority.

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Project co-funded by the European Union and national funds of the participating countries.
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