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Hellenic Agricultural Organization (ELGO)

Public Enterprise for Managing and Protection of the Multipurpose Area – JASEN

Del. 3.2.1 Special terrain vehicle with integrated pump and forest fire extinguisher for inaccessible areas
Del. 3.2.3 Chain saws and trimmers
Del. 3.2.4 Special protective gear
Del. 3.2.5 Workshop for volunteers on prevention of natural disasters

Apart from these deliverables, the Public Enterprise for Managing and Protection of the Multipurpose Area is also responsible for the reproduction of the informative material.

University Ss. Cyril & Methodius

Del. 3.3.1 Analysis and assessments of risks of soil erosion and sedimentation with new technologies in the PA Jasen
Del. 3.3.3 Research on forest-silvicultural measures for the management of the protected area of Jasen for prevention of forest fires, erosion and flooding
Del. 4.3.3 Development of a post-wildfire natural hazards risk analysis procedure and of post-fire protocol for the PA Jasen
Del. 4.3.4 Cross border summer workshop for university students

Apart from these deliverables, the University Ss. Cyril & Methodius is also responsible for the reproduction of the informative material and one cross border summer workshop for university students.

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This webpage has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of the webpage are the sole responsibility of the project's beneficiaries and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries and the Managing Authority.

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Project co-funded by the European Union and national funds of the participating countries.
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